
The Better Way to Save & Invest in 2022

A Short Story

PiggyVest is the first online “Savings & Investment” app in West Africa. launched as “Piggybank.ng” on the 7th of January 2016 as a savings-only platform. Then in April of 2019, the savings platform was rebranded to “PiggyVest” and began offering direct investment opportunities to users beyond West Africa in addition to savings.

The Savings platform delivers excellent service to over 1,000,000 users and counting, helping them manage their finances with simplicity and transparency. Combined, users save & invest billions both in Naira and dollar currencies every month that they would have instead spent. Invest securely and confidently on the go.
Up to 25% returns, 6-12 month duration.

PiggyVest is on a mission to give everyone the power to better manage & grow their finances. People outside Nigeria can sign up if they have an active Naira card/bank account or if they only intend to use the dollar savings. And, yes you get your referral bonus when anyone uses your link and complete the requirements.

I use PiggyVest to save & invest securely. Sign up and get ₦1,000.00 ( $ 2), use this LINK to sign up and start saving and investing for a prosperous tomorrow.

Email me: athinlinewithvivian@gmail.com

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Vivian Nteyoho ( A thin line with Vivian)

Podcaster on anchor, Wattpad mental health writer, I write on Trauma, wellness, and self-improvement. Available 👇 https://www.upwork.com/workwith/vivianakpan