A thin line with Vivian
2 min readOct 24, 2023

Ahoyyy Boys and Girls 😊

It’s almost a rap for the year “2023" and hopefully by THE GRACE OF GOD, a new year awaits us. A year filled with new beginnings right from the very first month “January ” down to “December” everything need not remain the same but rather it should only go up from here.

We’ve been made to understand that as long as we are under the heavens and still alive then we’ve got times and seasons bestowed upon us whether you manifest it or not (Ecclesiastes 3:1–8). So I dare say friends, round up this year with a blast. A blast of faith, a blast of one last trial and error, a blast of intentional moment and commitments. Refuse to limit yourself to the lesser things of life and attempt the unthinking or dare I say “The Moses kind of Miracles”.

Please understand that it actually goes beyond “it’s the thought that counts “, a wise author once wrote “The body keeps the score" . If you can as much as think it, want it, aspire it, then you can very well attempt it. Limitations were never GOD’S intentions but rather mans assumptions, GOD has already said “Be fruitful and multiply” (Genesis 1:28) so remember that indeed what the enemy meant for evil, the Lord God himself has turned it around for your good.

Perhaps you may say “but how do I end this year gloriously, abundantly, intentionally ” ? I would love to share with you an already sure and wonder working response which stays “ But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” . It goes way beyond us dear friends because he who gets the glory fights the battles, when you trust The Lord to work out your salvation, he works out your abundance as a bonus.

Look around you, the heaviness being caused by greed, war, death and unimaginable happenings around the earth but yet, for a spirit of heaviness, he gives us a garment of praise. I pray this reaches you with a miracle that has your name on it, remember Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8)❤

A thin line with Vivian
A thin line with Vivian

Written by A thin line with Vivian

I write here on Medium and on Wattpad, topics ranging from Mental health, Faith, Trauma, wellness, and self-improvement. Thank you for reading my writeups 🥂

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