

Dearest Reader’s 💖

What some might describe as a boring lifestyle, rather creates stability and enhances my productivity. A rountined life for me isn’t a 9-5 but rather a life that works with my ideals of life. It’s a life where I prefer to wake happy and satisfied, going about my day-to-day chores and spontaneous thoughts sometimes in an orderly manner.

A rountined life for me is a life that I’m able to plan and understand. It’s a life that allows me the freedom to think and the ability to write. There are times I’ve tried to live in other people’s idea of a fun life and I found it either too loud, fake or tiring. I actually have a close friend who’s pretty wild and impulsive but surprisingly enough, we’ve been able to make the friendship work with respect for each other’s boundaries.

I may not always have an organized and clutter-free life but at least I am happy with the life I choose to live. I intend to enjoy the life that I have been given and I refuse to feel weighed down by anyone’s choices. Whatever I may lack, I will work to have and I play my part in the lives of people who let me into their spaces.

Simply because you understand someone’s motivations behind their behavior doesn’t mean that’s an acceptable way for you to be treated.

My validation comes from within and not from anyone’s opinion of me. I decide to be happy regardless of my circumstances. I focus on every single thing I have in my life, the things that I do have, I magnify them and I forever remain thankful for them.

I would like to encourage my dear besties, to learn to find purpose in the simple things of life, and understand that you can have a fulfilled life without the need to cage yourself in the idea of being someone else. Don’t accumulate friendships that you can’t maintain. Desire those who desire you. The urge to feel among Is sometimes a lack of courage that causes us not to be our authentic selves.


until next time on A THIN LINE WITH VIVIAN.

Book a writing gig: https://www.upwork.com/workwith/vivianakpan




Vivian Nteyoho ( A thin line with Vivian)

Podcaster on anchor, Wattpad mental health writer, I write on Trauma, wellness, and self-improvement. Available 👇 https://www.upwork.com/workwith/vivianakpan