
Recognizing your purpose

Believe it or not, you already attract blessings and you are here because you either don't realize that or you wouldn't mind attracting more blessings. Blessings and success reflect abundance, contentment, joy, and all round good health.

The grace for sure glares differently to everyone, we each have our state of mind and state of being. What attracts blessings to the individual beside you may or may not attract blessings to you too. The goal is to live life and not to compete nor compare lives. The act of being content and aiming for a new goal automatically lures more blessings and success your way. If you're not able to recognize when you've done your best and when you've struggled with yourself then you can never enter the state of being thankful.

You shouldn't let the need for validations ruin your potential. Smart people validate themselves. You are already blessed and ordained, you are worth more than you give yourself credit for.

I know you've heard this before but honestly dear friends, make it a habit to have something to be thankful for every day. Thankfulness stares up contentment, it helps you identify how much hard work you've put in and how much is left to do, it stares up new goals and works in line with your health.

There are some journies you are meant to work alone, other people are not to follow you. You'd be surprised how things come to you. If it is your desire then it is yours to conquer. In the words of tarot readers "take what resonates with you and kindly leave the rest for others".

If it's not so much to ask, for every day you've been given the grace to wake up, utter these words purposefully to yourself and your day, " blessings and success come my way expectedly and unexpectedly". Live your life to your standards, you have a different purpose.

Everyone is only here for a short time. I bet the person you're hoping to be is not perfect but you feel they've got it all figured out. People don't know any better, rather be open to learning.

Sending love and light, until next time on A THIN LINE WITH VIVIAN.

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Vivian Nteyoho ( A thin line with Vivian)

Podcaster on anchor, Wattpad mental health writer, I write on Trauma, wellness, and self-improvement. Available 👇 https://www.upwork.com/workwith/vivianakpan